Sunday, June 24, 2018

It's Okay If They Don't Love You Back

"Loving someone who doesn't love you back is like hugging a cactus. The tighter you hug it, the greater the pain will be."

I know that loving does not mean having and we can't ever force the person to return the feeling. But it is necessary for me to keep reminding myself of these things. It's not easy to swallow this painful truth but whenever I realized this, it helps me to think more on how to love myself more than focusing my feelings for him. Love is a wonderful feeling, a beautiful thing. We are the one who makes it look bad. Did we force ourselves to have feelings for that person? No. Then can we force the person to reciprocate the feeling? Absolutely NO. That is the basic rule that we have to always keep in mind. If one day that person can return the feeling, good for you. But if they don't, don't blame them. Put yourself in their shoes. Feel the uncomfortable feeling they are feeling. They don't like to reject you too but they can't force the feeling to come even if they tried. Just like your feeling. You can't throw it away easily even if you have tried.

For the time being, embrace the feeling. Not all people could experience love and one day yours will fade too. At that time, you will miss the feeling of falling in love again. While you still feel it, love the feeling. Always keep in your mind that the person does not need to return the feeling and it's okay. Most importantly, try to find ways to love yourself first more than you love that person. Spend more time on yourself, go out on dates, shop things for yourself and just do things that will make you feel happy.

I'm trying too.

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